The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, January 28, 2012


We have felt so much love and support from people far and wide. The Jefferies sent us flowers when Jack was born too. What great friends!! I bought a pack of 50 thank you cards from Target before the baby shower a month ago. The cards are all gone!! My last box I bought in Virginia lasted almost two years. Everyone here has been amazing!! Not only did we receive all those wonderful gifts from the baby shower but we had three full weeks of meals and I still have people calling to see if they can bring by anything or help in anyway. I am totally overwhelmed with love for this ward and our neighbors. They went above and beyond to not only make us feel welcome when we moved here, but have really stepped up to the plate for the birth of this baby. I'd like to think it's the blessing I get for serving in Nursery while 9 months pregnant:-)

NFP sent us such a beautiful flower arrangement. I was so sad when they died. They brought so much vibrance and color to the living room.

JoAnn's another friend that I can't thank enough for all she's done. She brought by this adorable little cake that not only looks amazing but tastes amazing too. Then, a few days after my Dad left I started getting really sharp chest pains in my left chest. I called the doctor and she ordered me to the emergency room immediately.

I drove myself there because I wasn't too worried. I thought I must have torn a muscle or something. They freaked me out when I got there because when I told them I was having chest pain, they immediately made me sit in a wheelchair, even after I told them I felt fine to walk. They worried that I might have a blood clot because labor and delivery can often be the cause of a post partum clot in the lung. They ordered a cat scan and told me that because of the dye going in through the IV ( noooooo...not another IV) I wouldn't be able to feed George for 24 hours. This sent me WAY over the edge and I was inconsolable.

I wanted Chase there but he was home with the kids. I called JoAnn and the second I asked her if she could go over to the house she said "the keys are in my hand and I'm leaving right now." Makes me cry to think about how willing she was to help us out. The cat scan came back negative and through the test they found what might be walking pneumonia which I didn't believe because I felt fine. Honestly, I think I subconsciously had a panic attack even though I felt totally calm and collected. I'm just glad I didn't break out into a rash like I did when pregnant with Jack. Stress does strange things to my body.

JoAnn had cleaned our kitchen and put the kids down for the night. I cried when I walked in and saw her there relaxed on the couch. What a saint to come over and help us so willingly! I feel so blessed to have so many angels here watching over our little (but growing) family.


Erin said...

I so, so, so miss Texas. I miss those people! Hope to join you soon my friend :)

Jenny said...

I had sharp chest pains right after a month after I had Leo too! I seriously though I was having a heart attack! I am guessing mine was a panic attack too because after I took anxiety medication it went away. I have had it happen a few times since then too. Scary stuff.

Lilly saw a picture of Jack and was like, "Wait, is that Jack! He is getting so big!" We sure miss you guys!

The Cannons said...

I've also heard that allergies can cause chest pain. Your lungs get inflamed due to inhaling all the pollen. Just glad it wasn't a clit or a heart attack:-)