The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, December 4, 2009

6 Months

If we celebrated half birthdays then we'd be having quite a party around here. Jack is such a joy!! Chase took him to his 6 month check up this morning and came home with quite a bit of information. I was surprised to hear he has a small ear infection because he's always such a happy guy. I guess our clinic had the H1N1 vaccine so he got that along with three other shots. Chase said he didn't even cry during the first two shots. It's pretty hard to make Jack sad and if he is, he usually snaps out of it pretty quickly. I can't stand vaccinations. I am always so scared every time he goes in. In fact, I can't handle watching the whole process and that's why Chase took him in this morning.

Both my kids are sleeping at the moment (miracle of miracles). Sadie is tired from pure exhaustion. She woke up at 4 a.m. this morning and Jack is probably trying to fight off all these foreign liquids that have just been shot into him. Vaccines to me are better than the alternative, but they still scare me to death. I was also surprised to hear that he's only gained 13 ounces in 2 months. Jack can eat an entire avocado in one meal. Where is all that delicious fat going? I guess I need to start feeding him solids more often through out the day. He has another "weigh check" appointment next month and I'm crossing my fingers that we can form a couple of dimples and rolls on his cute little thighs. Besides the ear infection Jack has been doing splendidly. His new form of transportation is rolling all over the place. I could easily compare him to Velcro. If I am holding anything or brush by anything, I usually feel a little tug. He puts everything in his mouth and loves to pull hair. His biggest milestone yet has been sitting up!! He can sit for about 4 seconds before he tips over. He's also pretty good at scooting around to reach a toy but not crawling just yet.

He continues to serenade us with his low pitched coos. I love driving around while listening to his little ballads in the back seat. At one point I had Sadie and Jack singing at the same time and I had to laugh at how noisy, chaotic, crazy, and wonderful my life is. I've mentioned before that he is a little pig. He could eat forever. I'm worried that he often eats more than his little stomach can handle. One night after a rather large meal he was a little cranky but you never know, it could have been the ear infection. He still sleeps soundly through the night. He and Sadie have pretty much switched places. She wakes up either in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn and Jack will sleep from 8p.m. to 8 a.m. Hopefully this is just a phase because I can't have Sadie sleeping like a newborn. I just got over that!!
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Brooke and Nick said...

He is so adorable! I can't believe he is 6 months already. We need to come visit you again. We're excited to see you at Christmas.

Darger Party of 3 said...

This is so funny to me. Chase (my Chase) at 6 months actually lost 12 ounces from 4 months to 6 months. Our Pediatrician (that I LOVE) just said that he was probably ready for solids sooner and that protein is the key to weight gain. Chase eats a ton too. I love Super Baby food but my doc recommends blending up whatever we eat and giving it to him. I was a little hesitant and then started doing it and he LOVES IT! So tonight we had brown rice, terriyaki (sp?) chicken breast and broccoli. We blended it up in our mini food processor and he devours it. Anyways that is my 2 cents.