The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stay "classy" Utah

Maybe we didn't win the game but we've still got class, we've always had class, and we don't "hate" anyone. We got a call from a BYU alumn the other night who said..."this too shall pass." I think it's time BYU fans stop using scriptural references when talking about a football game. First of all, it's a bit sacreligious, and secong of's lame. I would go as far as to's just not very "classy" Max Hall. Before you say you hate the entire program of University of Utah, go ahead and do your math....that's about 500,000 people your offending. Mr. Hall, that's just not very "classy." You and Micheal Jordan should write speeches together. Beer throwing will be the least of your problems.
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