The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Play Dates

I still remember coming home from a long day of missionary work and cringing at the thought of calling up more people to set up appointments for the next day. Sometimes it was just easier to get in bed and worry about investigators in the morning. Of course, the next day we ended up doing street contacts and knocking on doors which in the mission field can make for a very long day. If only I had called our investigators the night before!!
I feel like motherhood has become a lot like the mission. If I don't plan at least a couple of days in advance for a play date then we end up either staying inside with grumpy kids or playing at the park in search for a play mate. I miss Jess and Lizzie who would, at the drop of the hat, go anywhere and hang out anytime. I am learning that if I don't plan we never end up doing anything. Luckily for Sadie, I am slightly ADD and can't stay indoors very long. I have been setting up play dates like crazy and have found even when I host, it makes our day so much happier because I don't have Sadie asking me every other
minute..."what are we going to do today." She's at the age where sitting around and doing

puzzles just doesn't kick it anymore. We had cute Zoe over the other day and they had so much fun. From play dough to dressing up, three hours went by WAY too fast. Play dates kind of make me miss doing joy school. Even though it's a little stressful having 6 kids over at once and planning for them the night before, I miss the chaos and the conversations I'd hear between them. Sadie has pretty much dropped her afternoon nap completely so entertaining her for the entire day has become quite the challenge. Bring on the play dates!!
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1 comment:

Jessica said...

You guys need to come over and play with us more! I am starting to go crazy being home more. I am trying to train myself to not be out shopping all the time and it is too cold to go to the park anymore!