The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

7 months

I always end up posting his month marks about two weeks late. This month I'm only about a week behind. If there's one thing I've learned these last 7 months it's that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little boy. There's a bond there I had no idea would exist. He's my little man. I love that his eyes twinkle and light up when he sees me. I love that Sadie is the only one that can REALLYmake him laugh. I love that when Chase brings him to me in the morning he almost leaps out of his arms to get to me. I am obsessed with this kid!!

His latest traits/accomplishments are:

1: He no longer wants to be swaddled. We just wrap up his legs so he can roll over if he wants to be on his tummy.

2: He still LOVES to eat. I could feed this kid ANYTHING and he would devour it. We tried yogurt this month and he chowed down but only after I realized that plain yogurt is just too disgusting. I had to mix a little vanilla in there to keep him from shivering every time he took a bite:-) He's still a little guy and only weighs 15.9 pounds. I thought with such an appetite he would really chuck up. The Doctor says that as long as he's still gaining it's ok. He's about 20th percentile which is exactly where Sadie was. My kids are so little!!

3: He is sitting up and crawling. I wouldn't say he is strong at either one of these but he can do them both. His crawl is more like an army crawl and he sits up until he sees something on the floor he wants and then crashes down to retrieve what Sadie eventually swipes away.

4: He takes AWESOME naps. He wakes up around 8 and has breakfast. He then sleeps until about noon, has lunch and after heading back to bed around 2, he sleeps again until 5!! I hardly ever see the little guy. After dinner he's down at 7:30-8 and it starts all over again in the morning. I usually nurse him before I go to bed around 11 but he usually sleeps through the whole thing.

5: He loves his monkey blanket. Sadie has a similar one we all know as "bah" which is a lamb. Jack's is a brown monkey blanket and when I kiss him goodnight he usually holds up his monkey to me so I will kiss him as well. Jack always gets a silly little grin on his face when I give him little kisses on his cheek. He's so easy to put to bed. I just give him his monkey, kiss his chubby cheeks, and walk out. I don't hear a peep until three hours later!!

6: He's a wiggler. Changing his diaper has become a real challenge these days. Dressing him is even worse!!

7: He's very good at retrieving his own pacifier in his crib and putting it in his own mouth. I've noticed that he always gets it in right side up. What a smart little guy.

8: He's really developed a cute little sense of humor. We've commented on the fact that for such a happy baby, he rarely laughs. This month he proved us wrong. Almost everything is funny. If I nibble on his fingers, he laughs. If he's thrown into the air, he laughs. If I walk by his exersaucer, he throws his arms in the air and grins from ear to ear with a little chuckle in between.

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Jill T said...

What a cutie! love those cheeks too!


Sorry about the traveling Christmas nightmare! Glad you were able to come back a little early and get some sleep.

The Beckstroms said...

So fun to see what you guys were up to over the holidays. It looks like a lot of fun! And your little ones are too adorable. People keep asking me when they come to our apt., who are these kids? from your Christmas card. They all think they are darling.

j and k said...

Oh I love his cheeks! I can't believe what a darling mix he is of the two of you. I am envious of his sleeping abilities too. How did you get him to do it? Hey, thanks also for your offer of the pump. You are the best. I need to chat with you! Love you and love your precious little ones!