The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jack Jack and more Jack

My sweet little Jack is 8 months old. He's changed a lot this month. In fact Jack has become quite a little fire cracker. My mellow, sweet tempered little guy has now developed an opinion and he wants it to be heard...NOW!! I've noticed that he's been chewing on his fingers and crying a lot more. He's teething...of course...which explains the bad mood.

Chase and I handle him so differently. There's something about the "mother son bond" that persuades me to cuddle, sooth, and kiss him all the time. Chase thinks I need to roughen him up a bit. Jack has a serious attachment to me and has just started crying a little when Chase holds him. He looks longingly over Dad's shoulder at me as if to say "are you kidding me Mom...what is this!!?"
We play the game where we see who Jack will go to when we hold out our arms and of course he dives into mine and nuzzles into my chest when Chase holds out his. Jack will even scramble up my chest with his feet while almost perching on my shoulder whenever Chase comes into the room. He also does this when he's really excited (like when I first pick him up in the morning or when I pick him up out of his high chair). I think it's cute, but Chase of course is a little offended. Don't worry Chase, you're definitely Sadie's favorite and will probably be Jack's too.
Jack still sleeps through the night but with these new teeth coming in naps have been harder to come by. I can usually get a really great 2 hour nap in the morning but afternoons are quite the challenge. For a while he would sleep for just a half and an hour. However, I can always count on him sleeping soundly from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. unless he decides to surprise us with a 5:30 a.m. scream like he did two days ago.
He is sitting up great and crawling even better. His crawl is pretty "army inspired" but I often see him rocking on all fours mustering up the courage to try it out. He usually ends up on his tummy which makes him spit up. I'll be excited for the actual crawling but I have to say this mobility has really thrown me for a loop. We have two sets of stairs and no gates. I just haven't had time to retrieve any. That's on my list of things to do next week...I probably won't get around to it like many other daunting tasks. We've been using big boxes and tricycles to keep him from falling down the stairs but the only place I really feel he's safe is in his crib and it's the only place I can leave him and get anything done!!
He's pretty wild. Being held is so "last month" for him. All he wants to do is be on the ground crawling everywhere and getting into everything. He loves rocking back and forth on Sadie's tricycle and is obsessed with bathrooms. If we forget to close a bathroom door, he instantly notices and will always surprise me with his speed towards the toilets. Just today I realized he can stand up by himself if holding TIGHTLY to his crib. This is great but I think it's time to lower his mattress.

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Feeding Jack is hilarious. He'll often shout out to remind us that he's TOP PRIORITY. At dinner he and Sadie will have shouting conversations. It's actually really cute. Short abrupt sounds come from him mouth in between each bite and if the spoon isn't there fast enough, the shouts get LOUDER!! He eats really fast. Chase will feed him at top speed and is still lagging behind for Jack.

He's a little dream and totally cracking us all up. Sadie and he are kind of at the point where they can entertain each other. If he's crawling on the floor and she runs past him, he'll always let out a big burst of laughter. This, of course, makes my job much easier and WAY more fun.

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