The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Look at those three little bright eyed and bed headed monkeys.  They couldn't wait to come downstairs and G couldn't wait for me to put the camera down and rescue him. 

George loved his first Christmas!  Like most babies he was far more interested in the paper than the actual gift inside but he was very intense when placed before the Lincoln Logs and grabbed handful with vigor and delight. 

All Sadie asked for was a Barbie fishing pole.  Don't ask me why.  We never go fishing and there's a lot of dry river beds around here but she was ecstatic to see her wish had been fulfilled. 

Jack was equally as thrilled (can you tell?) when he opened his new scooter.  He fell in love with cousin Eloise's when we were in Utah and borrowed little Chase's whenever he could.  It was time for Santa to give him one of his own.

Whose more excited about Mom's new measuring spoons?  Mom or Jack?

Chase surprised me by getting some bikes and a trailer off Craig's list so we could enjoy a beautiful Christmas day bike ride.  Unfortunately Sadie turned a little sharp and really hurt her precious face.  She now has a huge scab on the left side of her face.  Poor thing!

 We gathered at the church with friends for dinner and had a glorious time singing more carols (opera style) and Sadie was able to play her holiday songs for everyone as well.  Everyone was very impressed with how little she is and how well she plays.  Proud "mama moment" for sure.

Merry Christmas Y'all! 

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