The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Circle C Christmas Party

The best part about living in Texas is that in every community we've lived in, there's always a holiday party with a really good looking Santa Claus.  Plus a photographer and it's all free!  This Santa was at last year's Circle C party and I don't think there's a jollier looking fellow in Austin!  No tears this year from the kiddos.  I wasn't worried about G because he never looked at Santa, just at us acting like lunatics trying to make him smile.  Hence the inquisitive look probably wondering what the heck we are doing.  Jack surprised me by looking amazingly handsome and collected whereas last year he had a VERY concerned look on his face.  Sadie had her years of tears but those have been behind us for quite some time now.  She's might be giving Santa some serious competition for the "jolliest in the photo" award. 

We all jumped in for a family photo and realized that this could have easily been our family Christmas card.  It's always when you don't coordinate outfits, no one has showered and you're not expecting a picture to be taken that a great photo appears.  I laugh at all the trouble I went to getting outfits, hair, and the scenery ready for our pictures with Brooke.  It was well worth it because the pictures turned out so great but Brooke was a good sport to put up with us for sure.  Taking our pictures in the rain and allowing us a second shoot just for G. Maybe next year we'll show up to the party in our best attire and see what we come up with. 

Like last year Fry's Farm came with all their animals!

The kids were in heaven and G especially loved the pig and bunnies. 

There were a ridiculous amount of people this year (it was a beautiful 80 degree day) so the lines were very looooong.  Chase and I tagged teamed the whole event.  He'd call me when it was our turn with Santa and I'd call him when the face painters were ready for us. 

We had a baptism that night and Sadie couldn't part with her butterfly so I let her keep it on until bedtime. 

When this little hears the word horse, sees a horse, or better yet has the privilege of riding a horse, her little eyes light up and she's walking on air.  My mom recently told me that she had an obsession with ponies too as a little girl.  Now we know where she gets it!

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