The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Etherington's Visit

Hooray!! I love visitors!! I welcome any distraction these days, especially when they bring a four month old little peanut named Eloise. I had so much fun with my brother Nick, his wife Brooke and their baby Eloise this last week. It was not only just fun having them around but Nick cooked for me every night and made me a sandwich every afternoon.
These days I loath cooking so having someone here to cook the meals was a total heaven sent. They weren't just any meals, they were "Nick's" meals. I swear he could be one of those chefs on television. He gets so excited about the smells, the savor, and the colors of foods. Chase always calls me a "food snob" but he now thinks Nick takes the cake.
Only the best foods come from his kitchen. I was very impressed. He is interviewing all over the place for business school and while interviewing at American and William and Mary, they decided to stay with us for a week. The 7 days included speed scrabble, Smitty, our buddy from high school (always good to see him), shopping, Georgetown, Old Town Alexandria, several trips to Trader Joes for Mochi Balls, late night basketball and movies. Sadie LOVED baby Eloise. She was so sweet with her. I loved watching her help out by giving Eloise her binky or a rattle when she cried. At first when she heard her cry she told me to "make it stop" as she covered her ears. Eventually she got used to the noise. It was very good preparation for her and the upcoming arrival of the baby brother. I was so glad they came. I was hoping I would go into labor so they could see the baby but I have a feeling he won't come until Mimi gets here on Tuesday. Sorry they couldn't get a peek but I'll send some pictures. Speaking of pictures, I took some great little photos of Eloise with my new camera. Here are some of my favorites:

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