The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Sadie Lady!!

I have a three year old. I still have to pinch myself that she is this old. Of course I am totally nostalgic and sad that my baby is now a full grown toddler. I love Sadie for so many reasons. Here are all the reasons why I feel like the luckiest mom in the universe!!
1: Even if she's a stinker all day and has about ten time outs, she still looks like an angel sleeping. I can't help but look at her every night and often times pick her up for one last squeeze.
2: She's always slept with her mouth wide open, just like her Mom and most Etheringtons.
3: She calls her canker sore a "cranker" and uses it as an excuse for not being able to eat her dinner.
4: When she's done with dance class she runs out to me screaming "I did it Mommy..I did it" with just about the biggest smile I have ever seen.
5: She sings to "Part of your World" and "kiss the Girl" from the Little Mermaid whenever we are in the car. Often times she closes her eyes and sways her head back and forth like a real jazz singer:-)
6: When we are driving she will say "Drive faster Mommy, but Mommy if we drive too fast the police man will come and take my Clifford away."
7: She gives us "true kisses" (on the lips) whenever we are sad and immediately thinks it will cheer us up...and does.
8: She still loves her "bahh" blankets and gives "tag" to the special people in her life.
9: She licks the icing off a cupcake and gives me the rest to eat.
10: If she's chewing gum (not very often) out of the blue she'll grab my hand and leave the wet wad when she's through.
11: When Chase goes to work she'll yell out the screen door, "Be careful Daddy..don't slip on the ice. Have a good day Daddy." She says the same thing every morning even now that it's hot outside and there is no ice in sight.
12: She'll come in VERY early in the morning and say "Wake's summer time."
13: She is potty trained and can use the potty all by herself. I love hearing her in the morning go the bathroom, flush the toilet, wash her hands and then SLAM the door. She's just a mini adult these days.
14: We transferred her to a big girl bed a few days ago and she's been a total champ. Hasn't come into our room once!!
15: Even though she's in a big girl bed she still takes a three hour nap every day.
16: She asks me "where'd you get the baby" just about ten times a day. I tell her heavenly father gave him to me. She responds with "what did Heavenly Father say" and I explain that he asked me if I wanted another baby and I said yes so he put him in my tummy to grow and when he gets too big he'll come out. She responds, "is the baby going to bring me a present?"
17: She rocks at the "Horton Hears a Whoo" dance with her cute little bum.
18: She wears her princess dress while she plays with Lightning McQueen and her train table. She's a very well rounded little girl.
19: She wanted a Lightning McQueen birthday party even after I went down the pink princess isle at Party City.
20: When I sing in the car she says "Mommy will you please stop singing" but when it's time for bed she wants to hear every song in the book.
21: She's incredibly bright and knows all the letters and their sounds. Her favorite song to sing these days is the "the A says Ah..the B says Bah" and so on.
22: When she's hungry she says she needs to "feed her baby" while pointing to her tummy.
23: She LOVES to read books. I could read to her all night and she would never fall asleep.
24: She's my little buddy. We've been through three years together and I can't wait to see what she will say and accomplish next. I've got the greatest kid. How did I get so lucky? Happy Birthday Sadie!!


Darger Party of 3 said...

Happy Birthday Sadie Lady!!!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Happy birthday Sadie! Gotta love this age! Ella is right on with Sadie's #5,9,11 and 20 Love this list of favorite things about your lil lady!

mgardiner said...

happy birthday sadie! she has grown so fast...i can't believe she's 3! i also say "no fair" to the fact your 3 year old takes a 3 hour nap when my 1 year old only takes a 1 hour nap...