The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's just a thought...

I think I have a great way to drop the percentage rate of teenage pregnancy. They should have a 9 month pregnant woman come into every health class to show them her stretch marks and saggy sides (not to mention all the other saggy places that form). I have a feeling it would scare them so badly they wouldn't let their boyfriends so much as touch them:-) Another thing they fail to mention in health class is that you are actually pregnant for 10 months. 9 was always the lucky number but I am 9 months now and there is no baby for another four weeks (three if we're lucky).


The Beckstroms said...

My brother Clark and I were just talking about how it's funny that pregnancy is really 10 months...the things that are kept hush look great!!!

Lindsey Jefferies said...

If there is someone who can rock being pregnant...its you! You look awesome. Can't wait to see pictures of the new little man!