The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Monday, May 4, 2009

Perfect timing

As if we didn't have enough to worry about in the last few and the next few weeks (i.e., speaking and playing in church, preparing EQ lessons, studying for finals, preparing bar applications, birthday party for SadieLady, visitors arriving for like 2 straight weeks, and oh yeah, a baby due in four weeks), we had the honor of a visit from the Leaky Ceilings Club. First, two weeks ago, after getting Sadie out of the tub, I went downstairs to get her some milk before bed. As I rounded the stairs to our main bedroom, my ears were filled with the familiar sound of rain. Except that I was inside. I looked up and realized that the ceiling was raining on our couch--Oh joy. So I put a bowl under the spout of water, moved the couch, and within one or two minutes the leak had slowed to a drip. No worries, everything dried out within a day. I guess I probably should've recognized the sound of "indoor rain" when four days later, as I sat in the kitchen studying for my final, I heard a "faucet" turn on downstairs. Thinking it was Abby in the bathroom, I quickly turned my mind back to stock and loan basis adjustments for S corporate shareholders (exciting, I know). After about 3 or 4 minutes, I heard Abby talking to Sadie in the living room, and jumped up. Instead of a rainstorm downstairs, we had a waterfall. I grabbed the same bowl that was on the couch and moved it downstairs. Within about a minute the waterfall was a steady rain, and then slowly it turned into a drip. Nevertheless, water had saturated the carpet, washed the train table, and had formed a giant water bubble under the paint on the wall. All I can say is--it's a great time to be renting! All will be fixed by this Friday (fingers crossed), before any visitors or guests arrive.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

The Leaky Ceilings Club is the worst.