The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two peas in a pod

I have heard hear from many that Sadie looks like "chase in a dress." I realize that a very few of the Etherington genes made it into her pool but it wasn't until I snapped this photo of the two of them sleeping that I realized, Sadie really is a chip off the old block. They are two little twins!!


alexandra said...

Sadie totally resembles you, Abby, in this photo. I have been struck by the resemblance btwn the two of you a lot lately.

The Beckstroms said...

First of all, what a darling picture. Also, I see both of you in Sadie. Everyone tells me the same thing about Caroline though, but they do have our genes so I am sure more features may pop out to resemble us!