The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A bucket list..of sorts

Washington D.C. is cool. I really feel that after three years we've seen most of it, but we both realized, now that we're leaving, neither of us had been inside the Washington Monument or had a tour of the Capitol.
We were able to do both in one afternoon and actually survived to tell the tale. With the help of the double stroller, snacks, diapers and water we played tourists for the day.
I loved the Capitol! What an amazing building. The tour was a little boring but I learned a few things I didn't know before. For example did you know that each state can display two statues of people from their history in the rotunda and around the capitol? I wasn't surprised to find Brigham Young amongst the marble figures but found it a little odd that right now Utah has Philo T. Farnsworth in the Capitol hallways as the inventor of the television. I also thought it was interesting that both he and Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormon church) were 14 at the time of their discoveries.

Of course I went picture happy and took a bazillion pics of the kiddos. I'm learning more and more how to better use my camera and am having so much fun with my muses. I usually end up with WAY more pics of Jack because he will smile and turn toward the camera. Sadie, on the other hand, despises sitting still. Most of the pictures of her turn out blurry. She's always on the go. Shouldn't it be the other way around? My four year old acts like a one year old a lot of the time. I do catch a few of her every once in a while and it's usually the result of a few M&M's.

Jack loves stairs and no matter how many times I try to teach him to turn around in order to get back down, he still continues to climb them and cry at the top of them for us to get him back down. These stone steps put me over the edge as I feared his head spitting open if he were to tumble down. He never did but he posed for me and that's how I got this shot. What one year old sits on the stairs and poses like this, all on his own?!

The Monument views were breathtaking. Washington really is such a beautiful city. I'm going to miss being so close to the nation's capitol. We have a serious past here. It's where I met Chase at 19, where we fell in love and where we came back 8 years later to raise our little ones. I will never forget throwing the frisbee in the park with Chase during our lunch break at the Treasury or him resting his head on my shoulder when he fell asleep on the Metro. I will always remember him playing his guitar in the apartment directly below mine as I sat on the balcony above to hear him sing.
This is where Sadie learned to talk, share, be a friend and read and where Jack learned to crawl, walk and defend himself from Thing Number 1. I will hold dear to these small but significant memories. So much growth, patience, and joy gained through our years here. Virginia, we will miss you!

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