The Cannon Family

The Cannon Family

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Off to Utahr

I have to say I am very proud of myself for flying to Utah with no Chase and two kids. It was actually not that bad. My kids are pretty good little travelers. Sadie watched her DVD's and Jack just sat in his seat with a bag of Cracklin Oat Bran. When I tried to sit him on my lap, he got fussy. If I left him alone on a chair of his own, he just chilled. So independent! He even took a little nap for me most of the way from D.C. to Denver. When he was awake he flirted with everyone around him, occasionally walking up and down the isles to give everyone high fives. This all occurred while Sadie sat in her media coma of which she relishes every moment. When else does Mom let her watch movie after movie?
It was a smooth traveling experience and I did it all by myself! Kudos to me. Pops picked us up from the airport and we all went to sleep soon there after. The first thing we did was go up Weber Canyon to our favorite Utah spot, the cabin!! Chase was driving the car to Texas so I wasn't brave enough to sleep over by myself (it gets cold up there:-) so we just hung out for the day.
Sadie could barely wait to see her long lost buddy Lizzy and it was our first stop after we got home from the cabin. We filled up most of our days playing with the Gardners and seeing their adorable new little Ryan. I've seen some cute baby boys, but this one is all the way up there with Jack:-). I am kicking myself for not taking some pictures of him.
It was great catching up with Jess and I was also able to see Leslie. Sadie became quick friends with Lucy after a year's absence. Chance was also on my side because Mo was in town as well for a couple of days. It's been a long time since I've had a movie night with my girls. Of course we stayed up too late and I paid for it the next morning. I love Utah. One day I will live near all my buddies again. It won't hurt to live near family either:-) Until then we'll settle for being Texan cowboys for a couple of years. Who know, we might end up loving it so much we'll start telling Texas jokes, fly a Texan flag (to replace the boring American one:-), and end up with some southern twangs. We have high hopes for this mini country of ours.

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